TTLLS-GR – Liquid Level Sensor

1.970,00 2.303,00 

All prices are excl. VAT

TTLLS-GR – Liquid Level Sensor


* All sensors comes with default SW configuration: NH3, DN40 1 ½”, it can easily be changed by TT SmartConfig APP.

*If configuration is required when ordering, a fee of 6 € will be added per sensor.

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The Typhon Technologies TTLLS-GR is an Electronic Liquid Level Sensor, cost efficient and reliable level sensor used for liquid level measurement in all types of cooling systems.

The Liquid level sensor is used for monitoring the liquid level in tanks, Vessels, standpipes and other applications, where level monitoring is needed. The liquid level sensor has an analog output, which can be selected as either mA or Voltage for indication for 0-100% level.

The installation is simple with only one-point installation, it comes with different thread types. TTLLS-GR have smart commissioning via Bluetooth connected to the TT SmartConfig App, which easy allow the user to select the desired refrigerant media and controlling the output.

With the TTLLS-GR and the High-end technology within the Time Domain Reflectometry Guided Radar measuring principle, combined with integrated AI technology it takes the Liquid Level Sensor to a new level, offering cost-efficiency, reliability, and user-friendliness.

The Time Domain Reflectometry Guided Radar measuring principle makes sure that the mechanical part is never worn down, because there are no moving parts inside the mechanical part.

TTLLS-GR is constructed with the user in mind, it easy to install with only one connection point, and replacement of the electronic part can be done without affecting the pressurized or empty the subsystem.

The TTLLS-GR detect level in different types of refrigerant media e.g. NH3, Alcohol, HFC, HFO, CFC and Water – Simply connect to the TT SmartConfig App and configure the sensor for the given application.

For measuring in OIL, CO2, Butane, Propane, Isobutane the TTLLS-Cable can be used up to 4” standpipe. For measuring OIL, CO2, Butane, Propane, Isobutane in tanks, or standpipes bigger than 4” use the TTLLS Liquid Level Sensor.